Friday, March 13, 2009

diffrences between downward and upward

Downward communication are flow from individual in higher levels of the organization to those in lower levels. the most common forms of downward communication are meeting, information (to conduct work), policy statement, official memos, procedure manuals and company publications. information send downward may include new company goals, job instructions, procedures, and feedback on performance. studies show that only maybe in 20% of an intendeed message sent by top-level management is intact by the time it reaches the entry-level employee. this information loss occurs for several reasons. First, meanager tend to rely too heavily on written channels, an avalance or written material mat causes the qverloaded subordinates to ignore some messager. This, especially true with glut of in formation stemming from e-communications. Second is the oral face to face message, which commands more attention and can provide immediate feedback, is often underutilized. managers may be email the colleague or subordinate down the hall instead of walking over for a chat. they may email the business to the client outside of the country instead of picking up the phone. Expert agree that a manager often forger that the best way to comunicated is bying face to face.
Upwrd communication consist of messages sent up the line from subordinates to managers. Openness to ideas and input from people in the lower levels of the organization is often the hallmark of the healthy and enjoyable organization. Effective organizations need upward communication as much as downward communication. people at all levels and will have ideas for the organizational imoprove. Plus, managers need to have accurate feedback to properly guide the entiry organization. Upward communication from subordinate to managers usually falls into one of the following categories:

1. Personal report of performance, problems, or concerns.
2. Report about others and their performance, problems, or concern.
3. Reactions to organizational policies and practice.
4. Suggestions about what task need to be done and how they can be accomplished.

This type of communication is frequently sent up onlt one level in the organization to the person`s immediate supervisor. The supervisor may send some of the information to the next higher level but usually in yhe modified form. Upward communicatian is benefial to both the manager and the sudordinate. For the manager it is often necessary for sound decision making. Upward communication helps managers know employees accomplishments, problems and attitude and allows employees to make suggertions and feel that they are a part of the organizational. So it provide a feedback, encourages ongoning two way communication and indicates the subordinate receptiveness to messages. For the subordinate , upward communication may provide a release of tention and a sense of personal worth that may leads to a feeling and of commitment to the organization.

For example, a CEO of Syarikat Makan Sdn Bhd get a conduct of in how to manage a pocket money, in which are informal question and answer session with crew members. So the CEO consider this session are important part af to create visinle leadership and a way in which the CEO can keep in touch with the employee. The employee are given access to corporate information and can be claim to be impressed by the timely and appropriate communication.

AChieving effective upward communication can get thing open and honest messages from employee to management espcially in difficult tast. So trusting relationship is almost a prerequisite for affective communication. Trust cannot be mandated by policy or directives. It must be earned by the manager through credible behaviour and communication. If the manager encourage all types of feedback from others in the organization and set good example of how to do this, then effective upward communication can be developed.

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